And while you should be familiar with the Drive, Level and Spectrum (Tone) controls, there are 3 new controls - one regular-sized knob Mid frequencies control, and two mini-knobs - O.D.C. The core circuit and components are identical to the original vintage ODR-1 with some additional smart controls and refinements. These pedals are made in small batches and get snapped up very quickly indeed each time they get announced. First made available in the bright green, but now also offered in a black variant. I apologise for having unwittingly initially left out this Nordland ODR-C Custom Overdrive which is developed by the original Nobels ODR-1 circuit designer one Kai Tachibana under his own Nordland brand, and has been in production for about a year now. The purpose of this article is to highlight the similarities and differences between these various overdrive pedals and for me to definitively decide which my likeliest acquisition candidate/s should be : In this roundup I try to include most of the usual suspects including the Nobels Trio of ODR-1, ODR-S with 3-Band EQ, and ODR-Mini.

The Nobels circuit remains popular though and has seen recently in new varieties at either end of the scale - courtesy of the Vemuram Shanks ODS-1, and brand new Wampler Belle Overdrive Mini. I’ve long meant to get an example of the Nobels ODR Overdrive - but could never fully settle on which single variant would suit me best - while I’ve come close to acquiring the discontinued Mythos Erlking on at least a couple of occasions. Most are fans of the extra low-end body, while several players have wanted more control over that aspect of the output - such that most ODR derivations have some kind of Bass Control or Bass-Cut - including the latest V2 variant / variety of ODR-1 - which has a Bass-Cut switch inside the battery compartment. It’s very much a mostly flat-mids overdrive as such where its overall output profile is quite different to the better known TS808 - with quite a bit more low end present and much less in the way of compression - so a somewhat fatter more open-pored sort of overdrive. It’s about time I did a feature on the Other Green Overdrive - which has long since become a firm favourite of Nashville session players.